OB-LA-DI Beagles

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Show results from
Herning, Int
d. 7/11 2010
Judge: Renee Sporre-Willis

Wendy Best Working class bitch

Ob-La-Di's Speed Up Wendy

Best Working class bitch, with Excelent.


Dannish Winner 10 - Ester

DKJCH DKCH Rostock Sieger 2010, Dansk Vinder 2010 (DKV10), Guldtæve 2010, Guldungtæve 2010
The Fortune Hunters Call Me Escada

Best Champ, Best Bitch, Dannish Winner, CACIB


Ferdinand best Youth male again

OB-LA-DI's Ferdinand Von Zeppelin


Nancy best Junior and 3. best Bitch

OB-LA-DI's Flying Nancy Bird Walton

Best Junior, 3. best Bitch