OB-LA-DI Beagles

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Best of Breed and Best in opposit sex 13/3-2010

DKJCH DKCH Rostock Sieger 2010, Dansk Vinder 2010 (DKV10), Guldtæve 2010, Guldungtæve 2010 The Fortune Hunters Call Me Escada

13 March 2010, Lille Skensved
Judge: Dorota witkowska. Pl

Ester Best bitch, Best of Breed, youth CAC, CAC, and Mic-Mac was Best Champ, KLBCAC,Best Male

Ester did full house at the 2. official show as Youth bich, She won herclass with Junior CAC, and was Best Bitch with CAC..... and With Trine as Handler in the final she beat Mic-Mac and me...... What a great day.........