OB-LA-DI Beagles

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Latest show results

Lucy Best Bitch at the last Show in 2010

OB-LA-DI's Lucy Pevenisie Of Narnia
Ll.skensved, DK
d. 28/11 2010
Dommer: Claudio De Giuliani. IT

Best Champion KlubCAC/CC, best Bitch

Wendy Best Working class bitch

Ob-La-Di's Speed Up Wendy
Herning, Int
d. 7/11 2010
Dommer: Renee Sporre-Willis

Best Working class bitch, with Excelent.

Nancy best Junior and 3. best Bitch

OB-LA-DI's Flying Nancy Bird Walton
Herning, Int
d. 7/11 2010
Dommer: Renee Sporre-Willis

Best Junior, 3. best Bitch

Dannish Winner 10 - Ester

DKJCH DKCH Rostock Sieger 2010, Dansk Vinder 2010 (DKV10), Guldtæve 2010, Guldungtæve 2010
The Fortune Hunters Call Me Escada
Herning, Int
d. 7/11 2010
Dommer: Renee Sporre-Willis

Best Champ, Best Bitch, Dannish Winner, CACIB

Ferdinand best Youth male again

OB-LA-DI's Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Herning, Int
d. 7/11 2010
Dommer: Renee Sporre-Willis

Reserve bitch, CC/CAC/Major for Nancy

OB-LA-DI's Flying Nancy Bird Walton
INT. Herning
d. 6/11 2010
Dommer: Jill Peak, UK

Best Youth class Bitch, Reserve bitch, CC/CAC/Major

Susan best workingclass bitch again

Ob-La-Di's Praise Susan Pevensie
INT. Herning
d. 6/11 2010
Dommer: Jill Peak, UK

Ester - 3 best bitch

DKJCH DKCH Rostock Sieger 2010, Dansk Vinder 2010 (DKV10), Guldtæve 2010, Guldungtæve 2010
The Fortune Hunters Call Me Escada
INT. Herning
d. 6/11 2010
Dommer: Jill Peak, UK

3. best bitch and Res. CACIB

Ida 4. best Open Bitch

Fairytosh Water Nympf Naida
INT. Herning
d. 6/11 2010
Dommer: Jill Peak, UK

4. best open bitch

Ferdinand Got his 2. CC/CAC/MAJOR

OB-LA-DI's Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
INT. Herning
d. 6/11 2010
Dommer: Jill Peak, UK

Best youth male, 3 best male CAC/CC/MAJOR

Magic Best Male and Sieger Rostock 2010

KBHV08 DKCH KLBCH Rostock Sieger10 VETCH
Nangunyah Magic N Motion
Int. Rostock, D
d. 9/10 2010
Dommer: C. Pelzmann, A

Bedste open, VDHCAC, Best Malen CAC/CC/MAJOR, Rostock Sieger 2010, CACIB

Ester Best of Breed , and Rostock Sieger 2010

DKJCH DKCH Rostock Sieger 2010, Dansk Vinder 2010 (DKV10), Guldtæve 2010, Guldungtæve 2010
The Fortune Hunters Call Me Escada
Int. Rostock, D
d. 9/10 2010
Dommer: C. Pelzmann, A

Best intermediate VDHCAC, Best Bitch CAC/CC/MAJOR, CACIB og Best of Breed, Best in Group no. 3.

Ferdinans got his first CC/CAC/MAJOR

OB-LA-DI's Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Rishoj/Køge, DK
d. 18/9 2010
Dommer: Birte Scheel, DK

Ferdinand got his 2.th junior CAC, and his first CC/Major/CAC.

Escada best of Breed and New DK champion

DKJCH DKCH Rostock Sieger 2010, Dansk Vinder 2010 (DKV10), Guldtæve 2010, Guldungtæve 2010
The Fortune Hunters Call Me Escada
Rishoj/Køge, DK
d. 18/9 2010
Dommer: Birte Scheel, DK

Best Intermediate, CAC(/CC/MAJOR (her 5.th), and she was now old enough, so she got her Champion title no.2 (DKCH).

Best of Breed and Best in Group no.2 i Sweeden

OB-LA-DI's Freiherr Von Richtshofen
Int. Eskilstuna, S
d. 22/8 2010
Dommer: Per Iversen, NO

Best junior, Best male, Best of Breed And Best in Group no. 2

4. best Bitch

OB-LA-DI's Flying Nancy Bird Walton
Vejen, DK
d. 15/8 2010
Dommer: Silvia Mategani

Best Junior and 4. best bitch.

Susan best Working Class again

Ob-La-Di's Praise Susan Pevensie
Vejen, DK
d. 15/8 2010
Dommer: Silvia Mategani

Best Working class bitch

Ester Did it again 4. CAC/CC

DKJCH DKCH Rostock Sieger 2010, Dansk Vinder 2010 (DKV10), Guldtæve 2010, Guldungtæve 2010
The Fortune Hunters Call Me Escada
Vejen, DK
d. 14/8 2010
Dommer: Erling K. Petersen, DK

Best Junior, reserve bitch CAC/CC (Major)

Ferdinand got his first Junior CAC/CC

OB-LA-DI's Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Vejen, DK
d. 14/8 2010
Dommer: Erling K. Petersen, DK

Best Juniormale of The Day

Cody BEST IN SHOW All Breed

OB-LA-DI's Flying Charles Lindberg
d. 8/8 2010
Dommer: Arnstein Hagen, N

Best junior, Best Male, Best Of Breed and Best In Show All Breed



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