News: 12.may 2001
At the Dogshow in Borup 6/5-01, OB-LA-DI´s Fabled Etienne Navarre, did it again, and was placed winner youthclass, 2. best male of breed and winning his 3. danish CERT (CAC/CC), under the judge Mrs. Eleanor Bothwell, GB.
We do mate our Brasilian imported bitch Bangor The Nutcracker with Etienne. Puppies expected born 17 july 2001.
News: 30.april 2001
At the Dogshow in Oldenburg 28/4, OB-LA-DI´s Fabled Etienne Navarre, was placed 2. winner youthclass, 2. best male of breed and winning res. CAC, under the judge Frau H.Assenmacher-Feyel. D.
Best Male at the show, was a son after our stud G.L.Cool Trademark, breed and Owned by "of justines Pack".
Congratulations to the owners of Etienne Pia Ahlen and Knud H.Pedersen, and the owner and breeder of best male of breed Karin Sonntag.
Our new comming male at OB-LA-DI, Bangor Alto Rapsody, was at his first show in Sao Paulo 28/4, winning his first CC, and placed as 2. best male of the day, by judge Mr. Jorge Nallem, uruguaia.
Congratulations to the breeders Nora and Karl Jacobs, and Macelo T. Schneider, Br.
News: 1.april 2001
We have got our belowed Bitch Bangor Sea Picture back from Sweeden. So now Line will stay at our place for the future. We are all very happy that we have got her back......and of course sorry for the breeders in sweeden that Line was not having the interest in partisipating in the hunt.
We have been taking pictures of the new litter - the FRIDA-litter, take a look at the puppies, at 8 days of age Click here
We are getting a new place to live from 1. July
New adress wil be:
Morten Johansson and Vibeke Telkamp
Fulbyvej 23, 4180 Sorø
Phone: +45 5784 5783 Mobile: +45 5160 4841
Frome there we will build up our new home, where we will be able to enjoy our life with the dogs in the the beautifull nature in the sourouindings of the lakes and forrests of Sorø.
News Marts 2001:
The newcomming male at OB-LA-DI will begin his show karreer in Brasil in April. Take a look at the new pictures on the page of Bangor Alto Rapsody Click here to go to his page.
Sorry for the bad quality, but the pictures are taken from a videorecording.
I will try during 2001 to make the homepage a dynamic APS-based homepage, with more fancy features, to give the homepage a better looking design.
My new girlfriend Vibeke Telkamp is a diploma-Youth Mental dog tester, and have wrote some short information material about how you test dogs to see how they are mental, this information i a tool for the breeders to use in the breed. The information stuff about the test will only be written in danish.
I will write about the experiences I make with klick-training my new little puppies, both for obidiance and show. This informations will be published as my experiances will be avalible...and the first information will be put onto the homepage in the summer of 2001.
About the comming litters at OB-LA-DI in 2001
This is 3. generations of one of the two lines that are breed at OB-LA-DI. In year 2001 year You will se the 4. generation....

From the left:
DKCH KLBCH KBHV 95+98+00 EUV98 Susquach Acorn Special
And his son:
(this combination will be breed again end of 2001)
And his son:
tripple danish CERT-winner, Best In Show winner at all breed shows...OB-LA-DI´S fabled Etienne Navarre
(He will be breed with a bitch of my second breeding line....Bangor The Nutcracker in the summer of 2001).
Etiennes mother Degnevangen Smilla will allso be breed again in the late summer of 2001, a litter of witch I will keep a new male, she will be breed with our new import male Bangor Alto Rapsody (halfsister mating on Meadow´s Crest Nick of Thyme) witch will arrive to Denmark in Maj 2001.
Regards Morten Johansson