First 5 puppies after Loke (OB-LA-DI´s Brasilian Emerald) was born 31/1-2003 (by DKCH KLBCH OB-LA-DI´s Chinese Chestnut) at Kennel Hanne (
News 29/1-2002
New pictures with 7 week of / Se nyeste billeder af Tildes hvalpe 7 uger gamle: Braveheart litter (OB-LA-DI´s Fabled Etienne Navarre & OB-LA-DI´s Tony Braxton).
Aske (BRCH Bangor Alto Rhapsody) is expecting his next litter at kennel Utterslev in about 7 weeks (Take a look at http://
News 2/1-2002
New pictures with 4 week of / Se nyeste billeder af Tildes hvalpe 4 uger gamle: Braveheart litter (OB-LA-DI´s Fabled Etienne Navarre & OB-LA-DI´s Tony Braxton).
"Futurelitter" -new pictures with 9-16 weeks
Nye 9-16 ugers billeder af Fremtidskuldet. (OB-LA-DI´s Golden Pintado & Degnevangen Feggie).
7 ½ ugers billeder af Spacelitter "Space kuldet". (OB-LA-DI´s Golden Pintado & OB-LA-DI´s Fancifull Isabeau).
Onslow (OB-LA-DI´s Appearance of Onslow) has mated his first bitch i dec 2002, (CAC-winner Proud Be-bop´s Carmen Mac Rae) and the puppies are expected at Kennel Proud Be-Bop´s ( in about 7 weeks.
Af og til hjælper vi med formidling af voksne hunde, p.t søger 1 voksen trefarvet hanhund ny kærlig familie, kontakt os pr. mail for nærmere information.
News 27/11-2002
Tilde (OB-LA-DI´s Tony Braxton) gave birth to 4 male and 3 female puppies on the 26/11-02 Tilde´s litter
Loke (OB-LA-DI´s Brasilian Emerald) has just mated his first bitch (DKCH KLBCH OB-LA-DI´s Chinese Chestnut) and the puppies are expected at Kennel Hanne ( in about 9 weeks
NORDIC WINNER / Nordisk Vinder 2002
LDSGSH01 BDSG01 DKCH DCH BROV02 KBHV02 NORV02 OB-LA-DI´S Fabled Etienne Navarre Best of Breed, Best In Group no.2 at the international Dogshow in Harmar, Norge 23.11-02
Congratulations to Pia and Knud !! ¨
and thanks to the judges
News 7/11-2002
"Futurelitter" -new pictures with 6 weeks
Nye 6 ugers billeder af Fremtidskuldet.
1 ugers billede af de 4 hvalpe Freja fødte 24/10 (OB-LA-DI´s Golden Pintado & OB-LA-DI´s Fancifull Isabeau). "Space kuldet".
New German Champion LDSGSH BDSG DKCH DCH OB-LA-DI´S Fabled Etienne Navarre Best of Breed, Best In Group at the international Dogshow in Neumünster
Congratulations to Pia and Knud !! ¨
and thanks to the judges:
BOB: Mrs. Silke Eberhard, D
BIG: Mrs. Elke Pepper, D
News 28/5-2002
BEST OF BREED, OB-LA-DI´s Chineese Chestnut
and her halfbrother
OB-LA-DI´s Lasting Chet Baker, was CAC-winner for the time this Year
Congratulatins to Kennel Hanne with Liz and to Jette and Gert with Chet.
National all breed Dogshow in Næstved 30/3-2002
OB-LA-DI´S Fabel of ladyhawke Best of Breed, 2. Best In Group 6 Congratulations to Charlotte Callesen !
OB-LA-DI´S Barney Rubble (Olliver), Best Male puppy
Congratulations to Lone and Søren Hansen !
News 18/3-2002
LDSGSH BDSG DKCH OB-LA-DI´S Fabled Etienne Navarre Best of Breed, Best In Group 6, Best In Show all breed (3500 entries) --
Congratulations to Pia and Knud !! ¨
and thanks to the judges:
BOB: Mr. Seamus Oates, Irland
BIG: Mrs. Ritva Raita, Finland
BIS: Mr. K-G. Fredricsson, Sweeden
New pictures of Gemstonelitter Pictures taken with 7 weeks.
Nye billeder af Ædelstens-kuldet Ståbilleder ved 7 ugers alderen.
Getting the Danish Champion title -DKCH LSGRSH01 BDSGR01 OB-LA-DI´s Fabled Etienne Navarre -when winning his 6 Cert (CAC), and reserve male of breed under mr. David Hiltz, USA at the Januaryshow 19/1-02. -
With the best congratulations to the owners of Etienne Pia Ahlen and Knud H. Petersen - Jabadabaduuuuuu :o)
New international showsucces of OB-LA-DI´s Fabled Etienne Navarre -winning Best of Breed and Best in Group at the international dogshow in Göteborg 7/1-02. -
With the best congratulations to the owners of Etienne Pia Ahlen and Knud H. Petersen - Sådan skal det bare gøres :o)