We have updated our page with informations about witch thoughts we have had, beginning to breed Beagles in our own kennelname.
From 1986, where I Started with my first Beagle, I have until 1995 concentrated on having stud dogs. As my dogs got older I got the problem, that the beagle breed in Denmark unfurtunally was dominated quite badly in my opinion.
  In my Opinion it was more a pictures of the amount. If everybody breed hundreds and hundreds of Beagle puppies, everybody will be able to pick out few examples who can win in a Show. I felt that the breed was falling apart, all the good things, soundness and Happy temperaments were slowly disappearing from the breed. I started to look Around after another breed, and one day It stroke me...... few small breeders in fact still had wonderful beagles. Some of them not mixing their bloodlines, but each bloodline had each good qualities.

I took the decision to take out 10 years Of my life to try to pick up those qualities from each line, mix it to get some Of the beagles of the type I admire, and for me is a correct Beagle. I had the Luck that one of the small breeders believed in my thoughts, and believed in my Advise in their breed, and later on even lets me breed some litters on some of their bitches. Big thanks to Mr. and Mrs Cohn, from the kennel Degnevangen, the quality of their stock made it possible to achieve our aim in under 10 years.

We have with the end of 2003 reached The point of satisfaction, so the last 3 years out of the 10 planned years until 2006, we do just use to stabilising our line for the future. We allso want to tell about the ideas we had in mind through the years. We do from 2006 go back to concentrate on having some good males... offering them for stud, and to use for our own pleasure in the agility ring, at obedience an in field trails on Schweiss.

Take a tour around our lines and see:  The blood we have been passing on for the future, the beagles behind our breed And our stud dogs.

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