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Christmas/New Year 2008/09
2008 has been one of the years where everything went very fast, and where big changes were made in my life.
As usual I will try to describe the Year historically as I remember it now close to the end of it.
On the private side, I have had a very turbulent Year, where I have used a lot of energy on taking my Executive MBA, study.
This has put me through a lot of very exciting subjects, and I have got a lot of learning, both theoretically, but also about my self as a person.
Now I have delivered my last assignment, and do only have to make my Masters assignment during the spring 2009. And I’m looking forward to use more of the interesting theories, but to be honest I do also look forward to the day where I am handing over the finished report.
During the winter and spring last year I also took the last try to change my life together with Vibeke. And it did not succeed. It was obviously only me who wanted to change, and only me who wanted to be more in contact with bigger questions in life, so therefore it unfortunal had to be so, that Vibeke and I hade to get a divorce.
It has not been easy, when leaving a person that I had so many warm and caring feelings for. But now afterwards I think it has been good for both of us. I have got the possibility to go on with my life in a more deep contact with my self and Vibeke also now has got a life, properly more suitable for her, without all the dogs, and puppy buyers, that in her mind filled a lot space in our life.
I have had the luck to get to know Trine and her 2 wonderful kids (Asger and Dagmar), witch has giving me the faith in, that every thing has a meaning in life. As I wanted to get out of a life without depth, I got to know Trine, that is able to be both a wonderful girlfriend, but also do give me some challenges into me digging into the meaning of life on a higher level. So I’m very happy about how everything has fallen out, and do look forward to my new life and new way of living, with lots of possibilities of getting out, seeing other sides of my self, the world together with Trine, Asger, Dagmar and my bellowed dogs….
With the dogs
Ohhh the year has been more than giving on the dog side. I had to prioritize my studies, so I have not been able to travel to so many shows I 2008, but still I had a wonderful year, with so many good results.
I started the Year with making 2 litters, one on Little mermaid, on Frozen semen from Rooster from US – a wonderful litter, where I have kept in fact 4 out of 6 puppies in Cooperation, so that I will be able to get puppies back mixed with different bloodlines in some years. So in fact I have now co ownership in 4 countries from that litter, so I’m already looking forward to the next generations. The 2. litter was after Jimmy, my beloved Jimmy, who has been such a perfect stud dog, and good companion at home. I have seen more different bitches visiting him, getting more and more wonderful offspring, so at last it was me, who got a litter after him. I had had the luck to get a very nice litter after Wanda with Jimmy, and we have also placed this litter in very good hands, so that we can follow and enjoy the puppies.
With my own dogs I had to say goodbye to 3 adult male, which Vibeke wanted to take with her. Loke, Pasquale and Tikki went out together with Vibeke, but they are today living at her parents place, looking for good pet homes somewhere in Denmark. I have to put that away in my mind, and look at all the good things with my own dogs.
I have had so much winning, Magic, got his title, and also the Copenhagen Winner, and he got more Best Of breeds and Group placements this Year. He also has got some very promising litters, both in Denmark, Slovakia, and Holland, where we will look forward to be following them in the future. Magic again ended up being 3. most winning Male in DK, only beaten by Etienne and a son after Etienne. I’m still so happy that Sue let me have this wonderful boy.
Through the Year the lovely Bitch Dizzy Miss Lizzie, has had a lot of good winnings, and I so hoped for Jette and Finn, that they could get the honour to be placed in the top 3 with her at the end of the Year. BUT – unfurtunally I did in fact my self beat Una, with my little wonderful girl Jadis (White Witch) – in fact at the last show of the year. – Sorry Una – you also deserved it.
With Jadis I was so wondering why the Judges could not se her very high quality during the spring and summer, even though I knew im handling was not the best. But after getting a critique from a judge telling me, that this Bitch was so good, but because of me not presenting her well on the move she was not winning, I took the decision to look in the mirror (Video), and did in fact see that I was doing a terrible job with the on the leach.
I decided to try another way of showing her on the leach, and in fact she has been best bitch all 3 times (and one of them with Best of Breed, and at the last she got her Champion Title) after that decision was made to show her the new way – so thanks to the judge who let me stop up, I was aware of my bad work, but this made the difference, so that I did take action…..
Else I also wanted to mention all the good results of the other dogs both in Denmark (Etienne winning silver dog 2008) Jimmy also getting his title winning Best Of Breed and the many dogs abroad also getting very good placements, and champion titles this year.
I have ended the year with getting some new promising new puppies into the house. I had a very well moving bitch at my house for a mating with Tikki, a year ago, and I saw that she was a perfect match for Jimmy. Together with the owners from Fairytosh kennel, I had the possibility to be a part of a litter between Fay and Jimmy, and I had the possibility to pick out a male and a female from the litter on 11 puppies that was born. So Drake and Naida has moved into the house this winter.
And then I, through one of my breeder friends, I got some pictures from at litter born at a small and for me unknown breeder in Poland. I fell in love with one of the puppies, and because the pedigree was perfect, I took contact with the breeder and found a way to get One and Only (Erik) home to Denmark. And what a puppy !!!, he is just a perfect show dog, with personality, showmanship and a perfect anatomy, movement and temperament – so big that’s to Ewa from Dan-Lu, for letting me get this lovely little boy. I’m sure he will be a star in the show ring during the next years.
I also had Aslan in Germany at our friends Kirsten and Thorsten, and they have showed and worked a lot with Aslan during the summer and fall, in fact he only misses one VDHCAC and One CAC in Polen to get the champion title in those countries. Well done, and a lot of thanks to you, and Daggie.
So all in all I could not have wished for a better year with the dogs, which again resulted in OB-LA-DI, as the 2. most winning breeder in Denmark 2008. Thanks to the owners of offspring showing, training, working with and loving your puppies – it makes the work with breeding worth while doing.
I’m looking forward to the new interesting puppies arriving during the spring from my co owned bitch in Czech. And the Australian Champion Leisel coming mated with Smudge, so that I get a “pure” Australian litter during February if every thing happens as I have planned. So you can follow all the interesting new plans on my webpage in the new Year, where I hope to be finished with uploading information’s on the new homepage.
With the birds
I used the 2008 to get the last birds I wanted to fulfil my bird collection. And as I thought I only was missing few, one of my breeder colleagues phoned and said he wanted to sell all his birds, so I had quickly to respond, so now I have a completed collection, and my last 10 aviaries are close being build and ready for the young birds that have to be paired out for the next breeding season.
I had the luck this year to get babies after my Patagonian Parakeets, I have looked for a adult female for over 7 years, and last summer I got one from Holland, and then already this year I got babies from them, so I’m very happy and enjoying the 2 tame babies I have kept from the litter.
And also all the Lovebirds got a lot of offspring this summer, and in fact now when making the Christmas card, the 3 of the pairs are having babies in the nest’s.
All in all it has been a very active year, where I have not had much time to reflect over all the good, hard and educational things I have experienced. I’m sure that 2009 will be better in that way, with my new bellowed Girlfriend Trine’s ability to let me see the good things in everything and to experience it, and not just let it pass by.
I hope that every of my friends will get a very happy Christmas, and get a good, healthy and successful new year…… Remember to enjoy your life today, nobody says that you will get a tomorrow, so stay alive to be a part of your own life – you are the only one to be able to live it..;o)
Yours Sincerely