USACH Lanbur Café Macchiato


Kuld efter Jimmy:
Litters born after Jimmy:

Jimmy has allready show to be a great producer. He passes his good bones, topline, smart type and movement on to this ofspring. We have been very happy with the wonderful high quality of his first puppies, and do look forward to follow them in their winning and future breeding.
We hae choosen to split up listing of his litters in the litters in Denmark and in other contries. 

We have frozen semen avalible from Jimmy to approved bitches.

Jimmy har allerede vist at han er en super avlhund, og hans afkom i de første kuld tegner virkelig lovende. Vi glæder os meget til at følge dem i deres videre karriere i udstillingsringene og i den videre avl. Vi har valgt at liste Jimmy's hvalpe i kuld født i DK og kuld først i andre lande.

Kuld født i Danmark:
Litter With Free Stride Bright Count Down
Litter with Hanne's Emma
Litter With Sweet Magic's Ascia of Fabled Luck
Litter With OB-LA-DI's Mother Maccloonough

Litters born in other countries:
Litter with Am. Ch. Lynnstone Little Deuce Coupe (USA)
Litter with Bayou Oaks English Lace (USA)

Litter with Starbuck Torbay ... (Polen)
Litter With Ura... (Polen)
Litter with xxx (Russia)

Litter With Free Stride Bright Count Down





Mathilda got 6 nice puppies - pictures to be seen below.


Litter with Hanne's Emma

A very promissing daughter after Jimmy (Hannes Maren)


Emma got 8 nice puppies - pictures  with 7 weeks of Age (summer 2007)

More pictures from this litter is to be found on www.kennel-hanne.dk

Litter With Sweet Magic's Fabeld Anastacia

BIS all breed at his Debutshow - a smart son after Jimmy.



Ascia got 5 nice puppies - pictures with 8 weeks of age:


More pictures to follow, Take a look at the homepage of the litter for more pictures www.sweet-magic.dk

Litter With OB-LA-DI's Mother Macclanough

8 puppies born 14/7-2007


Pictures of some of the puppies with 7½ week of age:


Some pictures of litter at kennel  xx, Russia,
with Bitch xx


Some pictures of litter at kennel  Xandrina, Poland,
with Bitch Starbuck Torbay

6 nice tricolors born.


Some pictures of litter at kennel  Spotless, Poland,
with Bitch xxx

6 nice tricolors born, 1 died after few days.



Some puppy pictures of Jimmys first 2 litters in US / Billeder af Jimmy's 2 første kuld i USA

First litter with Am. Ch. Lynnstone Little Deuce Coupe. This litter was made with the hope to get more angulation and substance into the puppies, witch was lacking in the bitch.
The litter on five puppies, 3 males and 2 females. Each had more bone a slightly better angulation than the mother. This litter was all healthy and there were no problems.

Det første kuld var med USACH Lynnstone Little Deuce Coupe. Tæven havde meget stramme vinkler og manglede substans og benstamme, hvilket alle de 5 sunde hvalpe hun fik, fik mere af end hun selv havde, så de var godt tilfredse med Jimmys bidrag.
Se et par billeder fra dette kuld her:

For Jimmy's second litter he was bred to Bayou Oaks English Lace (Devon). Devon was somewhat slight in the rear and her head was not as developed as the Breeders would like. They hoped Jimmy could improve both of these qualities.
Devon had 7 puppies, 6 females and 1 male. The puppies were overall healthy, they generally had more head than their mother and may develop more rear.

I hans andet kuld parrede han tæven Bayou Oaks English Lace, som var meget stejl i vinklingen bag, og ikke havde udviklet sig så godt i hovedet, som ejerne havde håbet. De håbede at Jimmy kunne give hans gode vinkler og gode masse og hovedtype videre, hvilket de føler de fik i de 7 hvalpe som hun fik med Jimmy (6 tæver og 1 han). Her et par billeder fra dette kuld: