International Champion - Dansk Champion - Dansk Klubchampion - Tysk Klub- & VDH-Champion
DKK Racevinder - Nordisk Vinder - Svensk Vinder - Belgisk Vinder - Københavnsvinder
Brovinder - Bundessieger - Berlin Sieger - Leipzig Sieger - Landessieger Schleswig-Holstein
BIS SKK Malmø - BIS VDH Neumünster - BIS VDH Leipzig
Champion on his CAC, Goldyouthdog 2001, Broncemale 2001, Silvermale 2002, 2003, 2004
Born on 16/4-2000, at our house (OB-LA-DI beagles)
Owned by Pia Ahlen and Knud H. Pedersen, DK.
their hompage
Etienne begon his show karereer very good. Showed in Youthclass - winning it 10 times. He was with 18 months best male of breed 4 times, reserve male of breed 2 times, 3. best male of breed 3 times and in a age of only 18 months he had won 5 Danish CERT (CAC/CC) and 2 german CAC. (allso winning Best In Show all breeds).
Etienne Got his championship on his 6. certifikat (CAC) only 21 month old.
He allso begon early as a studdog,... his first 2 litters where born in the summer of 2001. Etienne has keept on his fantastic show results, and befor getting 5 years he has won 3 times best in show All breed (international shows), more than any other beagle in Denmark ever has succeed until now.
We have used Etienne more time in our breed with very nice results, and before Etienne reached his 5 year he is allready grand grand father to our fawlty Towers litter.
Take a look under our previous litters to follow his footprints in our breed.
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